When searching for a compression bra, you’re going to want to find one that doesn’t have any underwire. If you had implants placed, a compression bra can also help hold them in place while you heal, ensuring better post-surgery outcomes. A compression bra, which helps encourage proper blood flow, reduce the chance of bruising, and helps keep swelling down, will likely be a mandatory part of your wardrobe in the few weeks after surgery. Your breasts will be swollen and sore immediately after your procedure, no matter which type of augmentation you had done. But what you need to wear, and for how long you need to wear it, depends on your surgery type and trajectory for recovery.

Similar to most surgeries, you’ll have to follow some general rules after your procedure to encourage and facilitate proper healing. What Should You Wear Immediately After A Breast Augmentation? You may be wondering, what should I wear after a breast augmentation? Read on to discover what are the best garments to wear immediately after surgery and the weeks after while you recover. You’ll have to wear more supportive bras, and likely comfortable loose clothing, while you continue to recover in the weeks and months after your procedure. While you might love to try on the cutest lace bralette right after your breast augmentation, you’re not quite out of the woods yet. What Should You Wear after a Breast Augmentation?